I really love this! Take it with a grain of salt, but something about the purple shade on "Ria" kind of bugs me. Maybe raise the saturation just the TEEEEEEENY-est bit?
Keep up the great work!
I really love this! Take it with a grain of salt, but something about the purple shade on "Ria" kind of bugs me. Maybe raise the saturation just the TEEEEEEENY-est bit?
Keep up the great work!
I really love how your stuff shows the gentle, sweet nature of sex and sexual things. Sure, it's sexy, but it's also so peaceful. Keep up the amazing work.
Really love the shading, and the overall "staging" of the piece, such as their poses. Keep up the great work!
Love the lineless look, you pull it off so well!
I LOVE her design!!!!
Love the linework
Thank you!
Stunning linework
Love the way you shade the skin
This is incredible! The way you convey shape and depth through shading is phenomenal. You very clearly have been studying art for a long time, and your passion shows. Keep up the great work!
I'd love to get to this skill one day, great work
Manga Artist
Joined on 11/21/16