absolutely incredible
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absolutely incredible
so much pizazz and attitude i had to punch a hole in the wall to feel human again
Something's wrong with Newgrounds, I can't give this 6 stars
I'm very impressed with how good the pixel art is despite the relatively limited palette. The manual dithering/patterns/anti-aliasing/etc are very well done.
Sound effects are simple but very effective. The controls are easy to grasp. The characters are very cute, but sadly I gave up during the final "Nice" puzzle :d (which had a little wonky anatomy with the legs and feet, but i understand this stuff is VERY hard at a low resolution).
Thank you for the kind words! I had another at drawing her legs, although I don't think I was particularly successful, hehe. Still very new to making pixel art!
Background hurts my eyes (that might be the point?) and I was wishing for a volume control since starting the game scared the crap out of me LOL. I understand this is a game jam game though so I understand. I used keyboard controls and was pretty satisfied with how the bullets would "snap" in different directions. Definitely needs a bit of polish but a very solid game overall.
I'm stuck on the second level somehow but this is great anyway
this makes me throw my ASS IN A CIRCLE
I think you introduce some really cool ideas but then abandon them a bit too quickly (i know it's a short track but still). I love the beeping that starts 10 seconds in and the synth swell at 25 seconds in, and would love to see something built off of those :)
Absolutely stunning. Animation gives life but it is nothing without music like this. I cried real man tears by the end of it.
Awesome, and thank you for listening. It's great when I can make my ideas come to life through music, and even see it in animation.
why is sara sad!!!!!!!!!!!
I actually really love this design
Manga Artist
Joined on 11/21/16